My Biking journey - Davis to San Francisco

Mar 22, 2022 General

I was never the one to be excited about biking. Biking was just a tool to get from place to place for me. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever exp...

Adding push notifications to static sites

Jun 5, 2021 Tech

While reading about cloudflare workers, I had this thought of can I use this to trigger push notifications for my static site that has a blog. That...

Be selfish to be selfless

May 27, 2021 Life

Be selfish to be selfless. Aren’t both the words the antonyms of each other? What is this guy on?

Creating content cards using CSS grids in eleventy

May 22, 2021 Tech

I have always avoided CSS grids and preferred using flexboxes in places where grids would have been the better choice. I finally decided to overcom...

Why strong opinions matter

May 17, 2021 Life

Over the course of my journey of self improvement, I have realized that my ultimate goal in life is to be the best version of myself that I can be....